Summer has definitely arrived! It's hot, sticky, and rainy.
This morning Rick and I went to a couple storage unit auctions. Not a whole day thing, just two of them close to the house.
The first one started early. Definitely a no-no in this business. By law they're required to wait until the published time before they begin the auction because the people who own the units have until that time to come in and pay. However, she started at 9:25 instead of the published 9:30, so we didn't get a good look at the one unit that might have been worth buying.
That's a first. I've been to a lot of storage unit auctions that started late, but I've never been to one where they so flagrantly violated the law.
Other than that, it was just a lot of junk today.
However, I have my ledgers all caught up and I'm ready to start posting some good stuff on eBay again. Any minute now........
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